Friday, March 27, 2009

KFC New Illinois Potpie pothole filler.

I recently read in the paper , yes some people still read the newspaper, anyway I read in the paper that KFC(yes that KFC) is helping the state of Kentucky fill in their potholes. I have to agree it is a good idea, its a good use of all the leftover chicken, biscuits and transfat that have disappeared from their menu. I mean have you tried to eat a day old KFC Biscuit, you could bomb a small city with them. Using them as potpie pothole fillers is not bad.. My problem is that I also read that the Illinois dept. of Transportation might take KFC up on their offer to help us with our pothole problem.


We just guaranteed 250 million dollars for the Olympics and we can't fill our own damn potholes. Chicago guaranteed 500 million and we can't fix our own potholes. We can't take care of the crime or the messed up educational system but we can make deals with KF freakin C to help us fill in our potholes.

What in the hell is wrong people? It should be an embarrassment to the Illinois people that our government is even considering that.

So in the future when you drive through Butte or Parkridge or Chicago and you smell chicken don't be surprised you may have hit a pothole